• First Aid

    10 Fundamentals About Roller Bandage

    What is a roller bandage? This roller bandage is made of cotton, gauze, elasticated fabric, or linen and is wrapped around the injured part of the body in spiral turns. There are three main types of roller bandages. A bandage may be a strip of gauze or cotton material prepared during a roll. Roller bandages are often wont to immobilize injured body parts (sprains and torn muscles), provide pressure to regulate internal or external bleeding, absorb drainage, and secure dressings. What are the general guidelines for applying a roller bandage? How do you anchor a roller bandage? Apply the roller gauze slightly distal to the dressing and make an entire…

  • First Aid

    Improve Basic First Aid with Simple Tricks

    We outline the basic first aid training techniques and procedures that underpin care. including moving a casualty and applying dressings and bandages. Usually, a primary aider isn’t expected to maneuver an injured person, but in some circumstances like when a casualty is in immediate danger, it’s going to be necessary. The key principles for moving casualties are described here. Information is additionally given on making an assessment of the risks involved in moving a casualty or assisting a casualty to safety. What is Basic first aid training? A guide to the basic first aid training, equipment and materials commonly found during a care kit is given, with information on how…

  • First Aid,  Health

    Medical Conditions | Common Diseases

    What are the common medical conditions? Common Diseases, Many everyday medical conditions, like fever and headache, need prompt treatment and respond well to care. However. a minor complaint is often the beginning of a significant illness, so you ought to always be aware of this and seek medical conditions advice if you’re unsure about the casualty 5 conditions. Other medical conditions like diabetes-related hypoglycemia than normal blood glucose levels). severe allergies (anaphylaxis) and meningitis are potentially life-threatening and need urgent medical attention. Miscarriage, however, may be a potentially significant issue thanks to the danger of severe bleeding. A who is miscarrying needs urgent medical help. List of common medical conditions…

  • First Aid,  Health

    Types of Wounds and Bleeding

    How many types of bleed injuries are there? Types of Wounds, When a blood vessel is damaged, the vessel constricts, and a series of chemical reactions occur to form a blood clot -a plug’ over the damaged area (below). If large blood vessels are torn or severed, uncontrolled blood loss may occur before clotting can happen, and shock may develop. TYPES OF WOUND BLEEDING Bleeding [hemorrhage) is classified by the type of blood vessel that is damaged. Arteries carry oxygenated blood under pressure from the heart. If an artery is damaged, bleeding will be profuse. Blood will spurt call at the time with the heartbeat. If the main artery is…

  • First Aid

    What Causes an Airway Obstruction.

    What is an airway obstruction? In the airway obstruction may be a blockage in any a part of the airway. if airway may be a complex system of tubes that conveys inhaled air from your nose and mouth into your lungs. An obstruction may partially or totally prevent air from stepping into your lungs. Some airway obstructions are minor, while others are life-threatening emergencies that need immediate medical attention. Types of airway obstructions The types of airway obstructions are classified supported where the obstruction occurs and the way much it blocks. Airway Obstructions Recognition The airway may be obstructed externally or internally, for example, by an object that is stuck…

  • First Aid

    FIRST AID: Choking Symptoms and Treatment

    What do you have to do if an individual is choking but remains ready to speak or breathe? What is choking and how is it happen? This condition arises when there’s insufficient oxygen within the body tissues. There are a variety of causes of hypoxia, starting from suffocation, choking, or poisoning to impaired lung or brain function. The condition is amid a spread of symptoms, counting on the degree of hypoxia. If not treated quickly, hypoxia is potentially fatal because of a sufficient level of oxygen. is significant for the traditional function of all the body organs and tissues, but especially the brain. In a healthy person, the quantity of…

  • First Aid


    How to use an AED, When the heart stops, a cardiac arrest has occurred. The most common cause is an abnormal rhythm of the heart, known as ventricular fibrillation. This abnormal rhythm can occur when the heart muscle is damaged because of a heart attack or when insufficient oxygen reaches the heart. A machine called an automated external defibrillator [AED] can be used to correct the heart rhythm by one or more electric “shocks··. AEDs are available in many public places, including shopping centers, railway stations, and airports. The machine analyses the casualty’s heart rhythm and shows with visual prompts – or tells you by voice prompts – what action…