• Covid 19,  FEATURED

    The Best Breathing Exercises For COVID-19

    There are many different types of breathing exercises for COVID-19, and the best ones are those that can prevent infection and strengthen the respiratory system. Although breathing exercises for COVID-19 will not stop this disease, they can help you fight it and get better. Using these exercises is essential for boosting the health of your lungs. This way, you’ll be able to do more physical activities and avoid other side effects of the virus. These exercises are designed to strengthen the lungs and increase lung capacity. A British doctor showed a COVID-19 patient how to perform a breathing exercise that improves lung capacity and helps relieve shortness of breath. The…

  • Covid 19

    Omicron new coronavirus variant

    The World Health Organization began naming the variants after Greek letters to avoid public confusion and stigma. Markets plunged on Friday, the hope of taming the coronavirus dimmed and a new term entered the pandemic lexicon: Omicron. Omicron variant are detected in more countries as scientists race to find answers. LONDON/AMSTERDAM, Nov 28 (Reuters) – The Omicron coronavirus variant spread around the world on Sunday, with new cases found in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Australia even as more countries imposed travel restrictions to try to seal themselves off. The World Health Organization (WHO) said it was not yet clear whether Omicron, first detected in Southern Africa, is more transmissible than other…

  • Covid 19

    At COVID-19 Here’s How to Celebrate the Holidays Safely According to the CDC

    The important thing to defending yourself and your family members from COVID-19 this vacation season is to get totally vaccinated in opposition to the illness, in response to new guidance trusted Supply launched from the Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention (CDC) final week. The general public well-being company can be recommending folks put on well-fitted masks in public, keep away from crowded settings, and take a speedy check the day of any giant gatherings. The CDC is urging people who find themselves sick to remain in residence and decide out of vacation get-togethers. At this level within the pandemic, it’s tough to scale back your danger to zero, however,…

  • Covid 19,  FEATURED,  Health

    Apple Puts Health at The Heart Of The iPhone

    Coronavirus crisis requires, the next OS of the iPhone and iPad will offer new health-related functions, which range from unlocking with a health mask to automatically sending his medical file in the event of an emergency call. What is it and how? It is a real race against the clock which the developers of iOS are confronted with since they must integrate into the iPhone, the iPad, and even the Apple Watch the functions related to the epidemic of coronavirus. The latest public beta confirms this with the integration of the API ” Exposure Notification ” which will be used by most government applications, but also the function to facilitate…

  • Covid 19,  FEATURED,  Health

    Preventing from COVID 19

    Preventing from COVID 19, how many days it will take. and this way it will infect you. keep remembering these days match with your symptoms. DAY 1 TO DAY 2The beginning symptoms are similar to the common cold with a mild sore throat and neither having a fever nor feeling tired. Patients can still consume food and drink as usual. DAY 3The patient’s throats start to feel a bit painful. Body temperature reads at around 36.5° celsius. Although it’s uncommon, other symptoms like mild nausea, vomiting, or mild diarrhea are possible to set in. DAY 4Throat pain becomes more serious. Other symptoms like feeling weak and joint pain start to…

  • Covid 19,  FEATURED

    Corona Virus Protect yourself and your family.

    The corona virus is a new disease and we are still learning how it spreads. Introduction to Corona virus… How to prepare – here is what you can do to prepare your family in case of the corona virus straits in your community. Find local information – No way to find local information on the corona virus and local trains of corona virus cases know this signs and symptoms know the signs and symptoms of the corona virus and what to do if symptomatic. Stay home when you are sick. Call your health care provider’s office in advance of a visit. Limit movement in the community. Limit visitors take steps for…