MECHANISMS OF INJURY – FORCES EXERTED ON THE BODY The energy forces exerted during an impact are another important indicator of the type or severity of any injury. For example. if a man falls from a height of 1m (3ft 3in) or less onto the hard ground, he will probably suffer bruising but no serious injury. A fall from a height of more than 2m (6ft 6in), however, is likely to produce more serious injuries, such as a pelvic fracture and internal bleeding. An apparently less serious fall can mask a more dangerous injury. If a person falls down the stairs, for example, she may tell you that she injured…
Diet Plan to lose weight.
Introduction to weight loss diet plan. Diet plan to lose weight., instructions you got to follow and talk about the diet. It is, you know, the elite cleansing diet. People do it all the time. But this diet is way cheaper and easier and it works. And of course, it is a cleansing diet plan. So no meat. Nothing, everything is planned, based, nothing, you know, animal-based products are used in this, and these are meticulously planned with the help of dietitians and nutritionists and everyday diet. It’s like it’s not it did not happen overnight. And the recipes taste are so good and there’s no cooking required. You need…
So MECHANISMS OF INJURY, The type of injury that a person sustains is directly related to how the injury is caused. In addition. whether a casualty sustains single or multiple injuries are also determined by the mechanisms that caused it. This is the reason why the history of the incident is important. In many situations, this vital information can only be obtained by those people who deal with the casualty at the scene – often first aiders. Look, too, at the circumstances in which an injury was sustained and the forces involved The information is useful since it also helps the emergency services and medical team predict the type and…
Smart Choice cooking for Eating and Diet
Smart Choice cooking for Diet. Eating out and social events on the diet during the first couple of days of your diet. You may be under the impression that it is difficult to follow. However, if you stick to it for longer than a fortnight it will become easier and easier for you to follow eventually becoming a habit. As we mentioned earlier in the Diet there are may be times when you’re too busy or you may be going out with friends to a restaurant during this time you may be tempted to let the diet go. The key to sticking with the diet is to prepare yourself for every…
Emergency care assistant guideline.
What does an emergency attendant do? What is meant by emergency care? Workers in paramedical vocations provide pre-hospital emergency medical care to patients suffering from injuries or diseases, as well as transporting them to hospitals or other medical facilities for further treatment. From the previous chapters, you will now know that to ensure the best possible outcome for anyone who is injured or suddenly becomes ill you need to take responsibility for making assessments. Tell those at the scene that you are a trained first aider and calmly take charge. Resist the temptation to begin dealing with any sick or injured casualty until you have assessed the overall situation, ensured…
How to rescue drowning Person
FIRST AID – WATER INCIDENTS Drowning Incidents around water may involve people of any age. However, drowning is one of the most common causes of accidental death among young people under the age of 16. Young children can drown in fish ponds, paddling pools, baths, and even in the toilet if they fall in head first as well as in swimming pools, in the sea, and in open water. Many cases of drowning involve people who have been swimming in strong currents or very cold water, or who have been swimming or boating after drinking alcohol. There are particular dangers connected with incidents involving swimmers in cold water. Open water…
FIRST AID – MANAGING AN ELECTRICAL INCIDENT ELECTRICAL INCIDENTS When a person is electrocuted, the passage of electrical current through the body may stun him, causing his breathing and heartbeat to stop. The electrical current can also cause burns both where it enters and where it exits the body to go to “earth” An electrical burn may appear very small or not be visible on the skin, but the damage can extend deep into the tissues. Factors that affect the severity of the injury are the voltage, the type of current; and the path of the current. A low voltage of 240 volts is found in a home or workplace,…