• First Aid

    The Best Online First Aid Courses

    A good first aid course should cover emergency response and CPR training. The latter is especially important since it can increase a patient’s chances of survival. Most courses also include pre-recorded video lectures and review questions to help the student remember what they’ve learned. A good course should offer you all the necessary knowledge and skills in a reasonable amount of time. If you’re interested in learning about first aid, the best place to start is with online courses. The best online first aid courses are easy to complete and have excellent teaching materials. Most classes last 60 to 90 minutes. They are easy to fit into your schedule and…

  • FEATURED,  Health

    Osteous Surgery-Post-Osseous Care

    Osteous surgery is a common procedure that removes tartar and plaque from beneath the gum line. This procedure is also used to restore lost tooth structure, especially in people with severe cases of gum disease. Using a laser, the periodontist can reshape the bone supporting the teeth. This procedure also helps reduce the depth of gum pockets, which can lead to periodontal disease. After the surgery, you will likely need to adjust your diet and take pain medication. After your procedure, you will need to follow the dentist’s instructions very carefully. You should not drink alcohol or smoke for the first seven days after the procedure. You should also avoid…

  • FEATURED,  First Aid

    First Aid Treatment for Wounds

    How do we start treatment for wounds? Minor wounds usually stop bleeding on their own. But if the blood is heavy or if a large vein is injured, then the bleeding can be life-threatening. Let’s see How do we start treatment for wounds? The best way to prevent further blood loss is to clean the wound. Every wound has the risk of infection. You should never use soap to clean it. If you must use any type of chemical on the wound, avoid using hydrogen peroxide or iodine. You can use tweezers cleaned with alcohol to clean the area. Firstly, clean the wound thoroughly. If the wound is a small…

  • First Aid

    How to Stop Severe Bleeding: 7 Steps to Help You Stop the Bleeding

    Accidents happen. And when they do, calling emergency medical help is important. However, if you’re able to stop the bleeding on your own before emergency personnel arrives, you’ll be out of their hair and can take care of yourself at home and Stop Severe Bleeding. The following steps are for severe bleeding that is uncontrolled or occurring from an amputation site. If your bleeding is not severe, please see our blog post on minor cuts and scrapes. Types of wounds and bleeding There are two types of wounds: open and closed. An open wound is a cut or break in the skin, which is usually bleeding. A closed wound can…

  • First Aid

    Foreign Objects in the Body: Symptoms and Treatments

    The Foreign Objects manage to make their way into the human body. “Foreign objects“ are items that (POISONING, BITES, STINGS) enter the body through a wound in the skin or an orifice. These might range from grit in the eye to little things pushed into young children’s noses and ears. These can be distressing but do not usually cause serious problems for the casualty. Poisoning may result from exposure to or ingestion of toxic substances, chemicals, and contaminated food. Effects of poisons vary but medical advice will be needed in most cases, Insect stings and marine stings can often be treated with first aid. However, multiple stings can produce a…

  • First Aid

    Improve Basic First Aid with Simple Tricks

    We outline the basic first aid training techniques and procedures that underpin care. including moving a casualty and applying dressings and bandages. Usually, a primary aider isn’t expected to maneuver an injured person, but in some circumstances like when a casualty is in immediate danger, it’s going to be necessary. The key principles for moving casualties are described here. Information is additionally given on making an assessment of the risks involved in moving a casualty or assisting a casualty to safety. What is Basic first aid training? A guide to the basic first aid training, equipment and materials commonly found during a care kit is given, with information on how…

  • First Aid

    What Causes an Airway Obstruction.

    What is an airway obstruction? In the airway obstruction may be a blockage in any a part of the airway. if airway may be a complex system of tubes that conveys inhaled air from your nose and mouth into your lungs. An obstruction may partially or totally prevent air from stepping into your lungs. Some airway obstructions are minor, while others are life-threatening emergencies that need immediate medical attention. Types of airway obstructions The types of airway obstructions are classified supported where the obstruction occurs and the way much it blocks. Airway Obstructions Recognition The airway may be obstructed externally or internally, for example, by an object that is stuck…